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autoflake: Remove unused variables from a single file and display the diff.
$ autoflake --remove-unused-variables ${filename-py}
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The command "autoflake --remove-unused-variables ${filename-py}" utilizes the autoflake tool with the option --remove-unused-variables to automatically remove any unused variables from a Python file.

Here is an explanation of each component of the command:

  • "autoflake" represents the name of the tool or program being executed.
  • "--remove-unused-variables" is an option or flag provided to the autoflake tool, instructing it to remove any variables that are declared but not used within the Python file.
  • "${filename-py}" is a placeholder or variable that should be substituted with the actual name of a Python file (.py extension) when executing the command. The dollar sign ($) and curly braces ({}) syntax is used to represent the variable.

Therefore, when running this command, the autoflake tool will be invoked with the --remove-unused-variables option, and it will operate on the Python file specified by ${filename-py}, removing any unused variables in that file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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