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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool autoflake. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Autoflake is a command-line tool used for automated removal of unused imports and unused variables in Python code. It helps in optimizing and cleaning up code by removing unused or redundant imports and variables, reducing the overall code size and improving maintainability.

Key features of Autoflake include:

  1. Removal of unused imports: Autoflake analyzes the code and automatically removes any imports that are not used, reducing the clutter in the codebase.

  2. Removal of unused variables: It can also identify and eliminate variables that are declared but not used. This helps in identifying and getting rid of unnecessary code and improves code readability.

  3. Safe to use: Autoflake ensures that the removal of imports or variables does not introduce any unintended side effects or runtime errors.

  4. Supports multiple file formats: Autoflake can process Python files with the extensions .py, .pyx, and .pxd.

  5. Customization options: It provides various command-line flags and options to customize its behavior, allowing users to control the level of aggressiveness in removing imports and variables.

Overall, Autoflake proves to be a handy tool for automating the process of removing unused code elements, resulting in cleaner, more concise, and optimized Python code.

List of commands for autoflake:

  • autoflake:tldr:1afdb autoflake: Remove unused variables from a single file and display the diff.
    $ autoflake --remove-unused-variables ${filename-py}
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  • autoflake:tldr:529d7 autoflake: Remove unused imports from multiple files and display the diffs.
    $ autoflake --remove-all-unused-imports ${filename1-py filename2-py ---}
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  • autoflake:tldr:7ec65 autoflake: Remove unused variables recursively from all files in a directory, overwriting each file.
    $ autoflake --remove-unused-variables --in-place --recursive ${path-to-directory}
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  • autoflake:tldr:d2863 autoflake: Remove unused variables from a file, overwriting the file.
    $ autoflake --remove-unused-variables --in-place ${filename-py}
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