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avrdude: Read AVR microcontroller.
$ avrdude -p ${AVR_device} -c ${programmer} -U flash:r:${file-hex}:i
try on your machine

The given command is using a program called "avrdude" to interact with an AVR microcontroller device.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • avrdude is the name of the program used for programming AVR microcontrollers.
  • -p ${AVR_device} specifies which AVR microcontroller device is being programmed. The ${AVR_device} is a placeholder for the specific AVR device model, which needs to be substituted when running the command.
  • -c ${programmer} specifies the programmer used to interface with the AVR microcontroller. Similar to the previous placeholder, ${programmer} needs to be replaced with the specific programmer being used.
  • -U flash:r:${file-hex}:i is the main action of the command, which instructs avrdude to read (r) the contents of the flash memory (flash) from the AVR microcontroller and save it to a file. The ${file-hex} is a placeholder for the output file name that needs to be substituted with an actual file name. The :i specifies that the saved file should be in Intel HEX format.

By executing this command with the appropriate substitutions for device, programmer, and file name, avrdude will read the flash memory of the specific AVR microcontroller using the specified programmer and save the contents in the provided file name in Intel HEX format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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