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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool avrdude. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Avrdude is a popular command-line tool used for programming and debugging Atmel AVR microcontrollers. It's primarily designed for ATmega, ATtiny, and ATxmega family chips. Here are some key features and information about avrdude:

  1. Purpose: Avrdude allows you to connect and communicate with AVR microcontrollers through various programming interfaces, such as serial, parallel, and USB-based programmers.

  2. Supported Operations: It supports a wide range of operations including reading and writing flash memory, EEPROM, fuse bits, and lock bits. It also facilitates verification of written data, erasing the target chip, and performing several programming-related tasks.

  3. Compatibility: Avrdude is a cross-platform tool that can be run on different operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it a versatile choice for AVR development, as it can be seamlessly used across different platforms.

  4. Configuration: It requires a configuration file named "avrdude.conf" to define the chip-specific parameters and programming options. This file contains definitions for various AVR microcontrollers, programmers, and program file formats.

  5. Command-Line Interface: Avrdude is a command-line tool, meaning it is operated by typing commands in a terminal/console window. It offers a wide range of parameters and options to customize the programming process according to the specific requirements of the target microcontroller.

  6. Integration: Avrdude is often used as part of popular AVR development environments, including Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, and Atmel Studio. It provides a low-level interface for interacting with AVR chips and is commonly leveraged by higher-level integrated development environments (IDEs) for AVR programming.

Overall, avrdude is a powerful and widely-used command-line tool that allows developers to program, debug, and configure Atmel AVR microcontrollers using various programming interfaces. Its flexibility and compatibility make it a useful tool for AVR-based development projects.

List of commands for avrdude:

  • avrdude:tldr:0229d avrdude: List available AVR programmers.
    $ avrdude -c \?
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • avrdude:tldr:700e4 avrdude: Read AVR microcontroller.
    $ avrdude -p ${AVR_device} -c ${programmer} -U flash:r:${file-hex}:i
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • avrdude:tldr:a0b65 avrdude: Write AVR microcontroller.
    $ avrdude -p ${AVR_device} -c ${programmer} -U flash:w:${file-hex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • avrdude:tldr:be097 avrdude: List available AVR devices.
    $ avrdude -p \?
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview