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awslogs: List log groups.
$ awslogs groups
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The command "awslogs groups" is used to list the log groups present in Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Amazon CloudWatch Logs is a service provided by AWS that allows users to collect, monitor, and store log files from various resources and applications. These log files can include application logs, system logs, and custom logs generated by your resources.

By running the "awslogs groups" command, you can obtain a list of the log groups in your AWS account. Log groups act as containers for log streams, which are sequences of log events. These log groups help organize and manage logs from different sources.

This command can be useful for checking the available log groups, identifying the log groups associated with specific applications or services, or managing and configuring log groups using other AWS CLI commands.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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