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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool awslogs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


AWSLogs is a command-line tool provided by AWS (Amazon Web Services) that allows you to access and retrieve logs from various AWS services. It provides a convenient way to stream and view log data from services such as Amazon CloudFront, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS Lambda, and others.

Some key features and benefits of AWSLogs include:

  1. Log streaming: AWSLogs enables real-time streaming of logs from AWS services directly to your command-line interface.
  2. Log filtering: You can filter and search logs based on specific criteria, such as time range, log level, error codes, or any custom patterns using regular expressions.
  3. Multiple service support: It supports logs from various AWS services, allowing you to access and analyze logs from different sources.
  4. Enhanced log querying: AWSLogs provides options to perform complex log queries, making it easier to retrieve the required log data efficiently.
  5. Integration with other AWS services: You can easily integrate AWSLogs with other AWS services like AWS CloudWatch and Amazon S3 to gain additional insights or store log data for longer periods.
  6. Custom log formatters: The tool allows you to define custom log formatters to modify and format log entries as per your specific requirements.
  7. Flexible output options: You can choose to output log data to the command-line interface, save to a local file, or integrate with external applications for further analysis or processing.
  8. CLI compatibility: AWSLogs is compatible with AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), allowing you to seamlessly use it alongside other AWS CLI tools.

Overall, AWSLogs simplifies the process of monitoring, analyzing, and troubleshooting logs generated by different AWS services, providing a comprehensive command-line interface for log management.

List of commands for awslogs:

  • awslogs:tldr:05bb4 awslogs: List existing streams for the specified group.
    $ awslogs streams ${-var-log-syslog}
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  • awslogs:tldr:31c7f awslogs: List log groups.
    $ awslogs groups
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  • awslogs:tldr:91a37 awslogs: Watch logs for any streams in the specified group.
    $ awslogs get ${-var-log-syslog} ALL --watch
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  • awslogs:tldr:c268f awslogs: Get logs for any streams in the specified group between 1 and 2 hours ago.
    $ awslogs get ${-var-log-syslog} --start='${2h ago}' --end='${1h ago}'
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  • awslogs:tldr:eed55 awslogs: Get logs that match a specific CloudWatch Logs Filter pattern.
    $ awslogs get ${-aws-lambda-my_lambda_group} --filter-pattern='${ERROR}'
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tool overview