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awslogs: Watch logs for any streams in the specified group.
$ awslogs get ${-var-log-syslog} ALL --watch
try on your machine

The command you provided uses the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) and the awslogs command to retrieve and view log events in real-time from a log group named ${-var-log-syslog}. Let's break down the command:

  • awslogs: This is the command to interact with CloudWatch Logs using the AWS CLI.
  • get: Specifies that you want to retrieve log events.
  • ${-var-log-syslog}: This is the log group name you want to retrieve log events from. The use of ${-var-log-syslog} suggests that the log group name is a variable defined somewhere else.
  • ALL: This parameter specifies that you want to retrieve log events for all log streams within the log group.
  • --watch: This flag enables real-time log streaming, meaning that the command will keep running and continuously display any new log events being generated, providing a live view.

By running this command, you can monitor the log events in the specified log group (${var-log-syslog}) in real-time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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