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az-account: List supported regions for the currently active subscription.
$ az account list-locations
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The command "az account list-locations" is used to list all the available Azure region locations.

Azure regions are geographical locations around the world that host Azure services. Each region consists of one or multiple data centers that are in close proximity to each other. These regions are connected through a high-speed network backbone, ensuring data redundancy, fault tolerance, and low latency.

When you run the "az account list-locations" command, it retrieves a list of all the available Azure regions and displays them in the command-line interface. This information can be useful when choosing the appropriate region for creating and deploying your Azure resources, as the location can impact factors such as latency, local data compliance, and network proximity to your users.

The output of the command will include details such as the region name, display name, and the physical location (country or region) where the data centers are located. This information allows you to make informed decisions when selecting the most suitable Azure region for your specific needs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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