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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool az. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The az command line tool is a commonly used command-line interface (CLI) provided by Azure, Microsoft's cloud computing platform. It allows users to manage and interact with their Azure resources from the command line or automated scripts, providing a convenient and efficient way to work with Azure services.

Here are some key features and capabilities of the az command line tool:

  1. Cross-platform compatibility: The az command-line tool is supported on Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

  2. Rich set of commands: It offers a comprehensive set of commands covering various Azure services, including virtual machines, storage accounts, databases, networks, and more. These commands enable users to perform a wide range of tasks, such as creating and managing resources, configuring settings, and retrieving information.

  3. Easy installation and updates: The az command-line tool can be easily installed using package managers like apt, yum, brew, or downloaded as standalone executables. Microsoft regularly updates the tool to introduce new features and improvements, making it easy to stay up-to-date with the latest enhancements.

  4. Integration with Azure Cloud Shell: Azure Cloud Shell provides an in-browser, cloud-based command-line experience to manage Azure resources. The az command-line tool is pre-installed in the Azure Cloud Shell, allowing users to access their Azure resources directly from a web browser without requiring any local installations.

  5. Automation and scripting capabilities: The az command-line tool supports scripting and automation through the use of scripts or continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. It can be easily integrated into various DevOps workflows for efficient resource provisioning, management, and deployment.

Overall, the az command line tool is a powerful and versatile tool for managing Azure resources through the command line interface, offering flexibility and automation capabilities for efficient cloud management.

List of commands for az:

  • az-account:tldr:2305c az-account: Set a `subscription` to be the currently active subscription.
    $ az account set --subscription ${subscription_id}
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  • az-account:tldr:8c788 az-account: Print an access token to be used with `MS Graph API`.
    $ az account get-access-token --resource-type ${ms-graph}
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  • az-account:tldr:998f6 az-account: List supported regions for the currently active subscription.
    $ az account list-locations
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  • az-account:tldr:9e7e6 az-account: Print details of the currently active subscription in a specific format.
    $ az account show --output ${select}
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  • az-account:tldr:daeca az-account: Print a list of subscriptions for the logged in account.
    $ az account list
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  • az-appconfig:tldr:3fcdb az-appconfig: Update a specific App Configuration.
    $ az appconfig update --resource-group ${rg_name} --name ${appconfig_name}
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  • az-appconfig:tldr:80394 az-appconfig: Show properties of an App Configuration.
    $ az appconfig show --name ${appconfig_name}
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  • az-appconfig:tldr:d659e az-appconfig: List all App Configurations under a specific resource group.
    $ az appconfig list --resource-group ${rg_name}
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  • az-appconfig:tldr:da17c az-appconfig: Delete a specific App Configuration.
    $ az appconfig delete --resource-group ${rg_name} --name ${appconfig_name}
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  • az-appconfig:tldr:eff6e az-appconfig: Create an App Configuration.
    $ az appconfig create --name ${name} --resource-group ${group_name} --location ${location}
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  • az-appconfig:tldr:f2ff3 az-appconfig: List all App Configurations under the current subscription.
    $ az appconfig list
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  • az-bicep:tldr:017b3 az-bicep: Attempt to decompile an ARM template file to a Bicep file.
    $ az bicep decompile --file ${path-to-template_file-json}
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  • az-bicep:tldr:4782c az-bicep: List all available versions of Bicep CLI.
    $ az bicep list-versions
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  • az-bicep:tldr:64895 az-bicep: Uninstall Bicep CLI.
    $ az bicep uninstall
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  • az-bicep:tldr:8223a az-bicep: Install Bicep CLI.
    $ az bicep install
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  • az-bicep:tldr:a7b6c az-bicep: Build a Bicep file.
    $ az bicep build --file ${filename-bicep}
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  • az-bicep:tldr:d70d6 az-bicep: Display the installed version of Bicep CLI.
    $ az bicep version
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  • az-bicep:tldr:d8d8a az-bicep: Upgrade Bicep CLI to the latest version.
    $ az bicep upgrade
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  • az-config:tldr:21618 az-config: Print all configurations.
    $ az config get
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  • az-config:tldr:2354a az-config: Set a configuration.
    $ az config set ${configuration_name}=${value}
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  • az-config:tldr:623a5 az-config: Unset a configuration.
    $ az config unset ${configuration_name}
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  • az-config:tldr:eef89 az-config: Print configurations for a specific section.
    $ az config get ${section_name}
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  • az-devops:tldr:1e433 az-devops: List members of a specific team working on a particular project.
    $ az devops team list-member --project ${project_name} --team ${team_name}
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  • az-devops:tldr:619d4 az-devops: Configure the Azure DevOps CLI behavior by setting a default project and a default organization.
    $ az devops configure --defaults project=${project_name} organization=${organization_url}
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  • az-devops:tldr:8fe9f az-devops: Check the Azure DevOps CLI current configuration.
    $ az devops configure --list
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  • az-devops:tldr:b6791 az-devops: Set the Personal Access Token (PAT) to login to a particular organization.
    $ az devops login --organization ${organization_url}
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  • az-devops:tldr:f3107 az-devops: Open a project in the browser.
    $ az devops project show --project ${project_name} --open
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  • az-feedback:tldr:a0377 az-feedback: Send feedback to the Azure CLI Team.
    $ az feedback
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  • az-group:tldr:1fcd0 az-group: Wait until a condition of the resource group is met.
    $ az group wait --name ${name} --${select}
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  • az-group:tldr:6a9c8 az-group: Create a new resource group.
    $ az group create --name ${name} --location ${location}
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  • az-group:tldr:6c90b az-group: Delete a resource group.
    $ az group delete --name ${name}
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  • az-group:tldr:ffb72 az-group: Check if a resource group exists.
    $ az group exists --name ${name}
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  • az-lock:tldr:0cc2f az-lock: Delete a resource group level lock.
    $ az lock delete --name ${lock_name} --resource-group ${group_name}
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  • az-lock:tldr:3eaeb az-lock: Create a read-only subscription level lock.
    $ az lock create --name ${lock_name} --lock-type ReadOnly
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  • az-lock:tldr:3f971 az-lock: Create a read-only resource group level lock.
    $ az lock create --name ${lock_name} --resource-group ${group_name} --lock-type ReadOnly
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  • az-lock:tldr:4b0c8 az-lock: Delete a subscription level lock.
    $ az lock delete --name ${lock_name}
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  • az-lock:tldr:8ec31 az-lock: Show a subscription level lock.
    $ az lock show -n ${lock_name}
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  • az-lock:tldr:9d1da az-lock: List out all locks on the subscription level.
    $ az lock list
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  • az-login:tldr:6827a az-login: Log in using a VM's user assigned identity.
    $ az login --identity --username /subscriptions/${subscription_id}/resourcegroups/${my_rg}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/${my_id}
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  • az-login:tldr:c1d0c az-login: Log in using a VM's system assigned identity.
    $ az login --identity
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  • az-login:tldr:c9233 az-login: Log in with a service principal using a client secret.
    $ az login --service-principal --username ${http:--azure-cli-service-principal} --password ${secret} --tenant ${someone-onmicrosoft-com}
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  • az-login:tldr:f7ac8 az-login: Log in interactively.
    $ az login
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  • az-logout:tldr:21c75 az-logout: Log out a specific username.
    $ az logout --username ${alias@somedomain-com}
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  • az-logout:tldr:e7bca az-logout: Log out from the active account.
    $ az logout
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  • az-network:tldr:4c435 az-network: Enable accelerated networking for a network interface card.
    $ az network nic update --accelerated-networking true --name ${nic} --resource-group ${resource_group}
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  • az-network:tldr:d1ccc az-network: Create a virtual network.
    $ az network vnet create --address-prefixes ${10-0-0-0-16} --name ${vnet} --resource_group ${group_name} --submet-name ${subnet} --subnet-prefixes ${10-0-0-0-24}
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  • az-network:tldr:dc287 az-network: List network resources in a region that are used against a subscription quota.
    $ az network list-usages
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  • az-network:tldr:fc3d0 az-network: List all virtual networks in a subscription.
    $ az network vnet list
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  • az-pipelines:tldr:08fd7 az-pipelines: Get the details of a specific pipeline.
    $ az pipelines show --org ${organization_url} --project ${project_name} --name ${pipeline_name}
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  • az-pipelines:tldr:1b2aa az-pipelines: Enqueue a specific pipeline to run.
    $ az pipelines run --org ${organization_url} --project ${project_name} --name ${pipeline_name}
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  • az-pipelines:tldr:29f90 az-pipelines: Get a list of agents in a pool.
    $ az pipelines agent list --org ${organization_url} --pool-id ${agent_pool}
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  • az-pipelines:tldr:3b62f az-pipelines: Update a specific pipeline.
    $ az pipelines update --org ${organization_url} --project ${project_name} --name ${pipeline_name} --new-name ${pipeline_new_name} --new-folder-path ${user1-production_pipelines}
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  • az-pipelines:tldr:5520f az-pipelines: Create a new Azure Pipeline (YAML based).
    $ az pipelines create --org ${organization_url} --project ${project_name} --name ${pipeline_name} --description ${description} --repository ${repository_name} --branch ${branch_name}
    try on your machine
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  • az-pipelines:tldr:8136f az-pipelines: Delete a specific pipeline.
    $ az pipelines delete --org ${organization_url} --project ${project_name} --id ${pipeline_id}
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  • az-pipelines:tldr:a4f6d az-pipelines: List pipelines.
    $ az pipelines list --org ${organization_url} --project ${project_name}
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  • az-provider:tldr:2dbac az-provider: Unregister a provider.
    $ az provider unregister --namespace ${Microsoft-Automation}
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  • az-provider:tldr:84737 az-provider: List all providers for a subscription.
    $ az provider list
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  • az-provider:tldr:93cb7 az-provider: Register a provider.
    $ az provider register --namespace ${Microsoft-PolicyInsights}
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  • az-provider:tldr:93f7b az-provider: Show information about a specific provider.
    $ az provider show --namespace ${Microsoft-Storage}
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  • az-provider:tldr:b4658 az-provider: List all resource types for a specific provider.
    $ az provider list --query "[?namespace=='${Microsoft-Network}'].resourceTypes[].resourceType"
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  • az-redis:tldr:150a3 az-redis: Update a Redis cache.
    $ az redis update --name ${name} --resource-group ${resource_group} --sku ${select} --vm-size ${select1}
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  • az-redis:tldr:8c89f az-redis: Export data stored in a Redis cache.
    $ az redis export --container ${container} --file-format ${file-format} --name ${name} --prefix ${prefix} --resource-group ${resource_group}
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  • az-redis:tldr:a5520 az-redis: Create a new Redis cache instance.
    $ az redis create --location ${location} --name ${name} --resource-group ${resource_group} --sku ${select} --vm-size ${select1}
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  • az-redis:tldr:a920a az-redis: Delete a Redis cache.
    $ az redis delete --name ${name} --resource-group ${resource_group} --yes
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  • az-repos:tldr:0afee az-repos: Add build validation on a specific repository, using an existing build pipeline, to be triggered automatically on source update.
    $ az repos policy build create --repository-id ${repository_id} --build-definition-id ${build_pipeline_id} --branch main --blocking --enabled --queue-on-source-update-only true --display-name ${name} --valid-duration ${minutes}
    try on your machine
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  • az-repos:tldr:3cee0 az-repos: List all repos in a specific project.
    $ az repos list --project ${project_name}
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  • az-repos:tldr:af343 az-repos: Add policy on a specific branch of a specific repository to restrict basic merge.
    $ az repos policy merge-strategy create --repository-id ${repository_id_in_repos_list} --branch ${branch_name} --blocking --enabled --allow-no-fast-forward false --allow-rebase true --allow-rebase-merge true --allow-squash true
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  • az-repos:tldr:c4fa2 az-repos: List all active Pull Requests on a specific repository within a specific project.
    $ az repos pr list --project ${project_name} --repository ${repository_name} --status active
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  • az-sshkey:tldr:7cef3 az-sshkey: Show information about an SSH public key.
    $ az sshkey show --name ${name} --resource-group ${resource_group}
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  • az-sshkey:tldr:8fd61 az-sshkey: List all SSH public keys.
    $ az sshkey list
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  • az-sshkey:tldr:9a96f az-sshkey: Upload an existing SSH key.
    $ az sshkey create --name ${name} --resource-group ${resource_group} --public-key "${@path-to-key-pub}"
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-account:tldr:397e4 az-storage-account: Delete a specific storage account.
    $ az storage account delete --name ${storage_account_name} --resource-group ${azure_resource_group}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-account:tldr:3f708 az-storage-account: Generate a shared access signature for a specific storage account.
    $ az storage account generate-sas --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${account_name} --permissions ${sas_permissions} --expiry ${expiry_date} --services ${storage_services} --resource-types ${resource_types}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-account:tldr:dcd8a az-storage-account: List storage accounts.
    $ az storage account list --resource-group ${azure_resource_group}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-account:tldr:f71cd az-storage-account: Create an storage account.
    $ az storage account create --name ${storage_account_name} --resource-group ${azure_resource_group} --location ${azure_location} --sku ${storage_account_sku}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-blob:tldr:165a0 az-storage-blob: Delete a blob object.
    $ az storage blob delete --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key} -c ${container_name} -n ${path-to-blob}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-blob:tldr:5a862 az-storage-blob: Download a blob to a file path.
    $ az storage blob download --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key} -c ${container_name} -n ${path-to-blob} -f ${path-to-local_file}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-blob:tldr:60f77 az-storage-blob: Generate a shared access signature for a blob.
    $ az storage blob generate-sas --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key} -c ${container_name} -n ${path-to-blob} --permissions ${permission_set} --expiry ${Y-m-d'T'H:M'Z'} --https-only
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-blob:tldr:65613 az-storage-blob: Download blobs from a blob container recursively.
    $ az storage blob download-batch --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key} -s ${container_name} -d ${path-to-remote} --pattern ${filename_regex} --destination ${path-to-destination}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-blob:tldr:e3fe9 az-storage-blob: Upload a local file to blob storage.
    $ az storage blob upload --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key} -c ${container_name} -n ${path-to-blob} -f ${path-to-local_file}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-container:tldr:053a2 az-storage-container: Mark the specified container for deletion.
    $ az storage container delete --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${container_name} --fail-not-exist
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-container:tldr:1c234 az-storage-container: Create a container in a storage account.
    $ az storage container create --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${container_name} --public-access ${access_level} --fail-on-exist
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-container:tldr:851cc az-storage-container: List containers in a storage account.
    $ az storage container list --account-name ${storage_account_name} --prefix ${filter_prefix}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-container:tldr:9664b az-storage-container: Generate a shared access signature for the container.
    $ az storage container generate-sas --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${container_name} --permissions ${sas_permissions} --expiry ${expiry_date} --https-only
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-entity:tldr:1938d az-storage-entity: Update an existing entity by merging its properties.
    $ az storage entity merge --entity ${space_separated_key_value_pairs} --table-name ${table_name} --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-entity:tldr:a1553 az-storage-entity: Get an entity from the specified table.
    $ az storage entity show --partition-key ${partition_key} --row-key ${row_key} --table-name ${table_name} --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-storage-entity:tldr:dc95f az-storage-entity: Delete an existing entity from a table.
    $ az storage entity delete --partition-key ${partition_key} --row-key ${row_key} --table-name ${table_name} --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-entity:tldr:e84ed az-storage-entity: Insert an entity into a table.
    $ az storage entity insert --entity ${space_separated_key_value_pairs} --table-name ${table_name} --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-entity:tldr:fbaa1 az-storage-entity: List entities which satisfy a query.
    $ az storage entity query --filter ${query_filter} --table-name ${table_name} --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-queue:tldr:80671 az-storage-queue: List queues in a storage account.
    $ az storage queue list --prefix ${filter_prefix} --account-name ${storage_account_name}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-queue:tldr:a0e09 az-storage-queue: Create a queue.
    $ az storage queue create --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${queue_name} --metadata ${queue_metadata}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-queue:tldr:b057b az-storage-queue: Generate a shared access signature for the queue.
    $ az storage queue generate-sas --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${queue_name} --permissions ${queue_permissions} --expiry ${expiry_date} --https-only
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-queue:tldr:bdec4 az-storage-queue: Delete the specified queue and any messages it contains.
    $ az storage queue delete --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${queue_name} --fail-not-exist
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-table:tldr:07163 az-storage-table: Generate a shared access signature for the table.
    $ az storage table generate-sas --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${table_name} --permissions ${sas_permissions} --expiry ${expiry_date} --https-only
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-table:tldr:3518c az-storage-table: Delete the specified table and any data it contains.
    $ az storage table delete --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${table_name} --fail-not-exist
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-table:tldr:3add2 az-storage-table: Create a new table in the storage account.
    $ az storage table create --account-name ${storage_account_name} --name ${table_name} --fail-on-exist
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage-table:tldr:6e929 az-storage-table: List tables in a storage account.
    $ az storage table list --account-name ${storage_account_name}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage:tldr:00afe az-storage: Create a storage account.
    $ az storage account create -g ${group_name} -n ${account_name} -l ${location} --sku ${account_sku}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage:tldr:37add az-storage: List the access keys for a storage account.
    $ az storage account keys list -g ${group_name} -n ${account_name}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage:tldr:383e3 az-storage: List all storage accounts in a resource group.
    $ az storage account list -g ${group_name}
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  • az-storage:tldr:55075 az-storage: Delete a storage account.
    $ az storage account delete -g ${group_name} -n ${account_name}
    try on your machine
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  • az-storage:tldr:8aa73 az-storage: Update the minimum tls version setting for a storage account.
    $ az storage account update --min-tls-version TLS1_2 -g ${group_name} -n ${account_name}
    try on your machine
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  • az-tag:tldr:4fe78 az-tag: Delete a tag value for a specific tag name.
    $ az tag remove-value --name ${tag_name} --value ${tag_value}
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  • az-tag:tldr:66b49 az-tag: Delete a tag from the subscription.
    $ az tag delete --name ${tag_name}
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  • az-tag:tldr:6cc1c az-tag: Create a tag value.
    $ az tag add-value --name ${tag_name} --value ${tag_value}
    try on your machine
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  • az-tag:tldr:71dde az-tag: Create a tag in the subscription.
    $ az tag create --name ${tag_name}
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  • az-tag:tldr:9e362 az-tag: List all tags on a subscription.
    $ az tag list --resource-id /subscriptions/${subscription_id}
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  • az-term:tldr:37c67 az-term: Accept marketplace terms.
    $ az term accept --product "${product_identifier}" --plan "${plan_identifier}" --publisher "${publisher_identifier}"
    try on your machine
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  • az-term:tldr:ed836 az-term: Print marketplace terms.
    $ az term show --product "${product_identifier}" --plan "${plan_identifier}" --publisher "${publisher_identifier}"
    try on your machine
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  • az-upgrade:tldr:496bc az-upgrade: Upgrade Azure CLI and Extensions.
    $ az upgrade --all
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  • az-upgrade:tldr:4f7ac az-upgrade: Upgrade Azure CLI.
    $ az upgrade
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-upgrade:tldr:f989e az-upgrade: Upgrade Azure CLI and Extensions without prompting for confirmation.
    $ az version --all --yes
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-version:tldr:7d5c8 az-version: Show the current version of Azure CLI modules and extensions in JSON format.
    $ az version
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-version:tldr:85b18 az-version: Show the current version of Azure CLI modules and extensions in a given format.
    $ az version --output ${select}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-vm:tldr:3dfe0 az-vm: Create a virtual machine using the default Ubuntu image and generate ssh keys.
    $ az vm create --resource-group ${rg} --name ${vm_name} --image ${UbuntuLTS} --admin-user ${azureuser} --generate-ssh-keys
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-vm:tldr:4881d az-vm: Restart a Virtual Machine.
    $ az vm restart --resource-group ${rg} --name ${vm_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-vm:tldr:818d3 az-vm: List details of available Virtual Machines.
    $ az vm list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-vm:tldr:bf182 az-vm: Stop a Virtual Machine.
    $ az vm stop --resource-group ${rg} --name ${vm_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-vm:tldr:dc81d az-vm: Start a Virtual Machine.
    $ az vm start --resource-group ${rg} --name ${vm_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-vm:tldr:e34df az-vm: Deallocate a Virtual Machine.
    $ az vm deallocate --resource-group ${rg} --name ${vm_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-vm:tldr:f4389 az-vm: List VM images available in the Azure Marketplace.
    $ az vm image list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-webapp:tldr:517f1 az-webapp: List available runtimes for a web application.
    $ az webapp list-runtimes --os-type ${select}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-webapp:tldr:5d477 az-webapp: List all web applications.
    $ az webapp list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-webapp:tldr:ac149 az-webapp: Delete a specific web application.
    $ az webapp delete --name ${name} --resource-group ${resource_group}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az-webapp:tldr:f95a7 az-webapp: Create a web application.
    $ az webapp up --name ${name} --location ${location} --runtime ${runtime}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az:tldr:093dc az: List all Azure Managed Disks.
    $ az disk list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az:tldr:2c052 az: Manage azure subscription information.
    $ az account
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az:tldr:9c441 az: Manage Azure Network resources.
    $ az network
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • az:tldr:fefef az: Manage Azure Kubernetes Services.
    $ az aks
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview