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az-account: Print details of the currently active subscription in a specific format.
$ az account show --output ${select}
try on your machine

The "az account show" command is a command-line interface (CLI) command used in Azure to display details about the currently signed-in Azure subscription.

The "--output" parameter is used to specify the format in which the command output should be displayed. By default, the output format is JSON. However, by using the "--output" parameter, you can change the output format to other options such as table, tsv (tab-separated values), or yaml.

The ${select} is not a valid syntax in AZ CLI. It seems like it is attempting to use a variable or placeholder. In AZ CLI, variables are not defined using ${var} syntax, but rather using the shell syntax ($var).

Therefore, the actual command would be like this:

az account show --output <output_format>

Replacing <output_format> with the desired output format such as "json", "table", "tsv", or "yaml".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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