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az-devops: Configure the Azure DevOps CLI behavior by setting a default project and a default organization.
$ az devops configure --defaults project=${project_name} organization=${organization_url}
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The az devops configure command is used to set default values for the Azure DevOps CLI (Command-Line Interface) commands.

Here's a breakdown of the command in question:

  • az devops configure is the base command to configure Azure DevOps CLI.
  • --defaults is an argument used to configure default values.
  • project=${project_name} sets the default value for the project parameter. ${project_name} is a placeholder for the actual project name you provide. This default value will be used whenever the project parameter is not specified in subsequent CLI commands.
  • organization=${organization_url} sets the default value for the organization parameter. ${organization_url} is a placeholder for the actual URL of your Azure DevOps organization. This default value will be used whenever the organization parameter is not specified in subsequent CLI commands.

By setting these default values, you can simplify your Azure DevOps CLI usage by omitting these parameters when running commands in the future, since the CLI will automatically use the default values you have configured.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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