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az-provider: List all resource types for a specific provider.
$ az provider list --query "[?namespace=='${Microsoft-Network}'].resourceTypes[].resourceType"
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The command az provider list --query "[?namespace=='${Microsoft-Network}'].resourceTypes[].resourceType" is used to query the Azure Resource Manager providers. Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • az provider list: This command is used to retrieve the list of Azure Resource Manager providers.
  • --query "[?namespace=='${Microsoft-Network}'].resourceTypes[].resourceType": This option specifies the query expression to filter and retrieve specific information from the providers' list.

Now, let's break down the query expression part:

  • [?namespace=='${Microsoft-Network}']: This part filters the providers based on their namespace. In this case, it checks if the namespace is equal to ${Microsoft-Network} (which seems to be a variable holding the value Microsoft-Network).
  • .resourceTypes[]: This part selects the resourceTypes array for each provider that matched the previous filter.
  • .resourceType: This part extracts the value of the resourceType property for each resource type in the array.

In summary, this command will list the resourceType values for all Azure Resource Manager providers with a namespace equal to ${Microsoft-Network}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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