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az-sshkey: List all SSH public keys.
$ az sshkey list
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The az sshkey list command is used in Azure CLI (Command-Line Interface) to list all the SSH public keys associated with an Azure user account.

When this command is executed, Azure CLI makes a request to the Azure API to retrieve a list of all SSH public keys associated with the logged-in user. These SSH public keys are typically used for authentication purposes when logging into Azure virtual machines (VMs) using SSH.

The command returns information about each SSH public key, including its name, fingerprint, and whether it is enabled or disabled. This information can be useful for managing SSH keys, such as when configuring SSH access to Azure VMs or when handling access control and security.

In addition to az sshkey list, Azure CLI provides other related commands like az sshkey create to create a new SSH public key, az sshkey delete to remove an existing SSH key, and az sshkey update to modify the properties of an SSH key. These commands together allow users to effectively manage SSH public keys in their Azure environments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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