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az-storage-account: Create an storage account.
$ az storage account create --name ${storage_account_name} --resource-group ${azure_resource_group} --location ${azure_location} --sku ${storage_account_sku}
try on your machine

This command is used to create a new Azure storage account in a specified resource group and location. Here is a breakdown of the different parameters used:

  • az storage account create: This is the Azure CLI command to create a storage account.
  • --name ${storage_account_name}: This parameter specifies the name of the storage account. You need to replace ${storage_account_name} with the desired name for your storage account.
  • --resource-group ${azure_resource_group}: This parameter specifies the resource group where the storage account will be created. Replace ${azure_resource_group} with the name of the desired resource group.
  • --location ${azure_location}: This parameter specifies the geographic location where the storage account will be created. Replace ${azure_location} with the desired location (e.g., eastus, westus, etc.).
  • --sku ${storage_account_sku}: This parameter specifies the pricing tier or SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for the storage account. Replace ${storage_account_sku} with the desired SKU (e.g., Standard_LRS, Premium_ZRS, etc.).

By executing this command, you will create a new Azure storage account with the given parameters.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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