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az-storage-entity: Update an existing entity by merging its properties.
$ az storage entity merge --entity ${space_separated_key_value_pairs} --table-name ${table_name} --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key ${storage_account_key}
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The command az storage entity merge is used to merge new properties into an existing entity in an Azure Storage Table. Here is the breakdown of the command: - --entity ${space_separated_key_value_pairs}: This parameter specifies the entity to merge into the existing entity. It takes key-value pairs separated by spaces. For example, "PartitionKey=abc RowKey=123 Name=John" - --table-name ${table_name}: This parameter specifies the name of the Azure Storage Table where the entity exists. - --account-name ${storage_account_name}: This parameter specifies the name of the Azure Storage account where the table resides. - --account-key ${storage_account_key}: This parameter specifies the access key for the Azure Storage account. By using this command, you can merge new properties or update existing properties of an entity in an Azure Storage Table without overwriting the entire entity.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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