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az-term: Print marketplace terms.
$ az term show --product "${product_identifier}" --plan "${plan_identifier}" --publisher "${publisher_identifier}"
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The command az term show is a command used in Azure CLI (Command-Line Interface) to query and retrieve information about Azure Marketplace terms.

The az term show command is used to view the details of a specific Azure Marketplace term. It displays information such as the term's display name, description, legal terms, and other related data.

The command has the following parameters:

  • --product "${product_identifier}": Specifies the identifier of the product whose term details you want to retrieve. This should be replaced with the actual product identifier that you want details for.

  • --plan "${plan_identifier}": Specifies the identifier of the plan associated with the term you want to view. Replace ${plan_identifier} with the actual plan identifier.

  • --publisher "${publisher_identifier}": Specifies the identifier of the publisher whose term details you want to view. Replace ${publisher_identifier} with the actual publisher identifier.

By providing the correct product, plan, and publisher identifiers, the command will retrieve and display the detailed information about the corresponding Azure Marketplace term.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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