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az-upgrade: Upgrade Azure CLI and Extensions without prompting for confirmation.
$ az version --all --yes
try on your machine

The command az version --all --yes is used in the Azure command-line interface (CLI) to display the version information for the Azure CLI and all installed extensions, and to automatically accept any prompts asking for confirmation.

Here is a breakdown of the options used in the command:

  • az version: This is the main command to display version information.
  • --all: This option includes the version details of all installed extensions, not just the Azure CLI itself.
  • --yes: This option automatically accepts any prompts or confirmations that might appear during the execution of the command. It prevents the command from pausing and waiting for user input.

So, this command will display the version information of the Azure CLI and all its installed extensions without requiring any confirmation from the user.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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