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az: Manage azure subscription information.
$ az account
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The command "az account" is part of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool and is used to manage Azure subscriptions. It provides functionality to view and manage account information, such as listing the available Azure subscriptions, setting the active subscription, and displaying details about the current session.

Here are some common subcommands that can be used with "az account":

  1. "az account list": Lists all the Azure subscriptions associated with your account.
  2. "az account show": Shows details of the current active subscription.
  3. "az account set": Sets the active subscription for the current session.
  4. "az account list-locations": Lists the available Azure locations for the current subscription.

Overall, the "az account" command helps you manage and configure Azure subscriptions and access the associated resources and services within those subscriptions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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