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az: Manage Azure Network resources.
$ az network
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The "az network" command is a command-line interface (CLI) command used in the Azure Networking module of the Azure CLI. It is used to manage and configure various networking resources in Azure, including virtual networks, network security groups, load balancers, public IP addresses, and more.

When executed, the "az network" command provides a set of subcommands that allow users to interact with and manage different aspects of their network resources in Azure. These subcommands can be used to create or delete network resources, set and retrieve properties, configure security rules, and perform other network-related operations.

For example, some commonly used subcommands under "az network" include:

  • "az network virtual-network" - This subcommand allows users to create, delete, or manage virtual networks in Azure.
  • "az network nsg" - This subcommand is used to manage network security groups, including creating, deleting, or updating their rules.
  • "az network lb" - This subcommand allows users to manage load balancers, including creating, deleting, or configuring load balancing rules.

Overall, the "az network" command is a powerful tool to manage and configure networking resources within an Azure environment through the command-line interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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