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azcopy: Copy a container directly between two Azure storage accounts.
$ azcopy copy 'https://${source_storage_account_name}${container_name}' 'https://${destination_storage_account_name}${container_name}'
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The given command is using azcopy to copy data between two Azure Blob Storage containers.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • azcopy is a command-line utility provided by Microsoft Azure for copying data to and from Azure Storage services.
  • copy is the action being performed, which indicates that data should be copied.
  • 'https://${source_storage_account_name}${container_name}' is the source URL. It specifies the source storage account and container from where the data needs to be copied. The ${source_storage_account_name} and ${container_name} variables are placeholders that need to be replaced with the actual names of the source storage account and container.
  • 'https://${destination_storage_account_name}${container_name}' is the destination URL. It specifies the destination storage account and container where the data should be copied. Similar to the source URL, ${destination_storage_account_name} and ${container_name} are variables that need to be replaced with the actual names of the destination storage account and container.

In summary, the command is instructing azcopy to copy data from a specific source container in a source storage account to a specific destination container in a destination storage account.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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