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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool azcopy. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Azcopy is a command line tool developed by Microsoft that facilitates data transfer to and from Azure storage. It is commonly used for copying files, directories, and virtual machine disks efficiently in Azure environments. The tool supports both Windows and Linux operating systems. With Azcopy, users have the ability to transfer data between various storage types such as Blob storage, Azure Files, and Azure Data Lake Storage.

Azcopy offers high-speed data transfers by utilizing multi-threaded, concurrent transfer capabilities. It provides features like automatic retry, parallelism, and configurable network optimization settings for efficient data movement. The tool also supports resume functionality, which allows interrupted transfers to be resumed from where they left off.

Another noteworthy feature of Azcopy is its support for transferring large datasets using local disk as an intermediary – a method known as the Azure Data Box. It enables seamless and secure offline data transfer by using temporary storage devices.

Overall, Azcopy is a versatile and powerful command line tool that simplifies data transfer tasks in Azure, providing users with increased speed, reliability, and flexibility.

List of commands for azcopy:

  • azcopy:tldr:16cdc azcopy: Copy a container directly between two Azure storage accounts.
    $ azcopy copy 'https://${source_storage_account_name}${container_name}' 'https://${destination_storage_account_name}${container_name}'
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  • azcopy:tldr:23f4a azcopy: Display detailed usage information.
    $ azcopy --help
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  • azcopy:tldr:44263 azcopy: Synchronize a local directory and delete files in the destination if they no longer exist in the source.
    $ azcopy sync '${path\to\source_directory}' 'https://${storage_account_name}${container_name}' --recursive --delete-destination=true
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  • azcopy:tldr:6a9df azcopy: Upload a local file.
    $ azcopy copy '${path\to\source_file}' 'https://${storage_account_name}${container_name}/${blob_name}'
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  • azcopy:tldr:ce4dc azcopy: Upload files with `.txt` and `.jpg` extensions.
    $ azcopy copy '${path\to\source_directory}' 'https://${storage_account_name}${container_name}' --include-pattern '${*-txt;*-jpg}'
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