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babeld: Start babeld and pass a configuration command.
$ babeld -C ${'redistribute metric 256'}
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The command "babeld -C ${'redistribute metric 256'}" is used to run the babeld routing daemon with the specified configuration option. Let's break it down:

  1. "babeld": This is the name of the command or program being executed. In this case, it is the babeld routing daemon.

  2. "-C": This option is used to provide a specific configuration for the babeld daemon.

  3. "${'redistribute metric 256'}": This is the value or argument provided for the -C option. It is enclosed in single curly braces and single quotes, which may be used to indicate a variable or expression substitution depending on the context.

In this case, it is unclear whether the expression "${'redistribute metric 256'}" is meant to represent an actual value or if it is used as a placeholder. However, if we assume it is a placeholder, the command could be interpreted as follows:

The babeld daemon is executed with the configuration option to "redistribute metric 256". This implies that babeld is being instructed to redistribute routes with a metric value of 256. The specific purpose or context of this redistribution is not provided, so further details or the overall purpose of this command will depend on the specific scenario or use case.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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