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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool babeld. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Babeld is a command line tool used for running the Babel routing protocol. Babel is a loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol that is designed to be robust and efficient in dynamic networks, such as wireless mesh networks. It is implemented as a user-space daemon and can be used on various operating systems, including Linux, BSD, and macOS. Babeld enables routing of IPv6 and IPv4 traffic, and it supports multiple metrics for path cost calculation, including bandwidth, delay, and loss. It also offers features like route aggregation, source-specific routing, and route filtering. Babeld is widely used in community networks, sensor networks, and ad hoc networks to enable reliable and efficient routing.

List of commands for babeld:

  • babeld:tldr:65c55 babeld: Start babeld and daemonise afterwards.
    $ babeld -D
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  • babeld:tldr:7bb0f babeld: Start babeld with multiple configuration files (read in order).
    $ babeld -c ${path-to-ports-conf} -c ${path-to-filters-conf} -c ${path-to-interfaces-conf}
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  • babeld:tldr:8285c babeld: Start babeld and pass a configuration command.
    $ babeld -C ${'redistribute metric 256'}
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  • babeld:tldr:b6766 babeld: Start babeld and specify on which interfaces to operate.
    $ babeld ${eth0} ${eth1} ${wlan0}
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  • babeld:tldr:c4918 babeld: Start babeld with a specific configuration file.
    $ babeld -c ${path-to-babeld-conf}
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tool overview