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base64: Decode from `stdin`.
$ echo -n ${base64_text} | base64 --decode
try on your machine

This command involves two parts, separated by the pipe symbol (|).

  1. echo -n ${base64_text}: This command is used to print the value of the variable base64_text on the standard output. The -n option is used to prevent the trailing newline character from being added to the output.

  2. base64 --decode: This command takes the base64-encoded input from echo and decodes it back to its original form. The --decode option tells the base64 utility to perform decoding instead of encoding.

In summary, this command takes a base64-encoded string stored in the variable base64_text, prints it to the standard output, and then uses the base64 utility to decode it, returning the original text.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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