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batch: Execute a command from standard input.
$ echo "${--make_db_backup-sh}" | batch
try on your machine

This command consists of three parts:

  1. echo "${--make_db_backup-sh}": This part echoes a variable named --make_db_backup-sh. The ${--make_db_backup-sh} is used to access the value of the variable. The purpose here is to obtain the value stored in the --make_db_backup-sh variable.

  2. |: This is known as the pipe operator. It takes the output of the previous command (in this case, the value of the --make_db_backup-sh variable) and passes it as input to the following command.

  3. batch: This is the command that receives the value passed by the pipe and executes a process accordingly. The specific action performed by the batch command depends on the value provided to it. Typically, the batch command is used to execute a series of commands or scripts in a batch mode, rather than interactively.

In summary, this command echoes the value of the --make_db_backup-sh variable and passes it as input to the batch command for further processing. The exact outcome of this command depends on the implementation of the batch command and the content of the --make_db_backup-sh variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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