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bb: Bind input to a sequence of lines from stdin.
$ printf "first\nsecond" | bb -i "(map clojure.string/capitalize *input*)"
try on your machine

This command is a Unix shell pipeline that uses the printf command, followed by the bb command with certain options and arguments.

Let's break it down step by step:

  1. printf "first\nsecond": This command is a Unix utility that formats and prints data. In this case, it prints the string "first" followed by a newline character \n, and then the string "second".

  2. |: The | character is known as a pipe. It directs the output of the preceding command (printf) as the input to the subsequent command (bb).

  3. bb -i "(map clojure.string/capitalize *input*)": The bb command is a command-line tool that evaluates input as Clojure expressions.

  • -i options tells bb to read the input as a string.
  • (map clojure.string/capitalize *input*): This is a Clojure expression that maps the clojure.string/capitalize function to the input (provided by the previous printf command). The clojure.string/capitalize function capitalizes the first character of a string.

Therefore, the overall command will output the capitalization of the first character of each string passed through printf. In this case, it would produce the output:


Note: This command assumes that you have the bb command installed and available in your system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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