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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool printf. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


On Unix-like operating systems, the printf command inserts arguments into a user-defined string of text, creating formatted output.

List of commands for printf:

  • bb:tldr:802dd bb: Bind input to a sequence of lines from stdin.
    $ printf "first\nsecond" | bb -i "(map clojure.string/capitalize *input*)"
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  • chpasswd:tldr:0e9a7 chpasswd: Change the passwords for multiple users (The input text must not contain any spaces.).
    $ printf "${username_1}:${new_password_1}\n${username_2}:${new_password_2}" | sudo chpasswd
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  • chpasswd:tldr:af8b7 chpasswd: Change the password for a specific user, and specify it in encrypted form.
    $ printf "${username}:${new_encrypted_password}" | sudo chpasswd --encrypted
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  • chpasswd:tldr:c1c90 chpasswd: Change the password for a specific user, and use a specific encryption for the stored password.
    $ printf "${username}:${new_password}" | sudo chpasswd --crypt-method ${select}
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  • chpasswd:tldr:d7753 chpasswd: Change the password for a specific user.
    $ printf "${username}:${new_password}" | sudo chpasswd
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  • column:tldr:1b662 column: Fill rows before filling columns.
    $ printf "header1\nbar\nfoobar\n" | column --output-width ${30} --fillrows
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  • column:tldr:6e25e column: Split columns automatically and auto-align them in a tabular format.
    $ printf "header1 header2\nbar foo\n" | column --table
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  • column:tldr:adbf9 column: Format the output of a command for a 30 characters wide display.
    $ printf "header1 header2\nbar foo\n" | column --output-width ${30}
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  • column:tldr:d0efe column: Specify the column delimiter character for the `--table` option (e.g. "," for CSV) (defaults to whitespace).
    $ printf "header1,header2\nbar,foo\n" | column --table --separator ${,}
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  • printf:tldr:532b5 printf: Print a text message composed with environment variables.
    $ printf "${var1: %s\tvar2: %s\n}" "${$VAR1}" "${$VAR2}"
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  • printf:tldr:b24f6 printf: Print a text message.
    $ printf "${%s\n}" "${Hello world}"
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  • printf:tldr:dc9bc printf: Store a formatted message in a variable (does not work on zsh).
    $ printf -v ${myvar} ${"This is %s = %d\n" "a year" 2016}
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  • rofi:tldr:fb9e6 rofi: Pipe a list of items to `stdin` and print the selected item to `stdout`.
    $ printf "${Choice1\nChoice2\nChoice3}" | rofi -dmenu
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