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bc: Calculate an expression with the specified scale.
$ echo 'scale = ${10}; ${5 - 3}' | bc
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The command "echo 'scale = ${10}; ${5 - 3}' | bc" is used to perform arithmetic calculations in the Bash shell.

Here's a breakdown of the different components:

  1. "echo": This command is used to display text or values on the terminal.

  2. "'scale = ${10}; ${5 - 3}'": This is the text or expression that will be piped into the "bc" command. In this case, it contains two parts separated by a semicolon.

    • "scale = ${10}": This sets the scale or precision for the decimal places in the output. The value is referenced using the variable syntax "${10}".

    • "${5 - 3}": This is the arithmetic expression that will be evaluated. It subtracts 3 from 5.

  3. "|": This is called a pipe symbol and it is used to pass the output of the preceding command as input to the command following it.

  4. "bc": This is a command-line calculator in the Unix/Linux environment. It stands for "basic calculator" and it is used for arbitrary precision arithmetic.

In summary, the command sets the precision for decimal places to the value of variable "10" and then evaluates the arithmetic expression "5 - 3" using the "bc" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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