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bitcoin-cli: Export the wallet information to a text file.
$ bitcoin-cli dumpwallet "${filename}"
try on your machine

The command "bitcoin-cli dumpwallet" is a Bitcoin Core command-line interface (CLI) command that allows you to create a backup file of all the private keys in a Bitcoin wallet. It is used to dump or export the wallet information.

When you run the command "bitcoin-cli dumpwallet", you need to provide the name of the backup file enclosed in double quotes (${filename}). The ${filename} is a placeholder, and you have to replace it with the desired name of the backup file you want to create. The filename should come with the file extension, such as .dat or .txt.

For example, if you want to create a backup file named "mywalletbackup.dat", you would run the command as follows:

bitcoin-cli dumpwallet "mywalletbackup.dat"

Once executed, this command will create a backup file containing all the private keys associated with the Bitcoin wallet specified by the Bitcoin Core instance you are running. It is essential to keep this backup file in a secure location because with the private keys, someone could gain access to your Bitcoins.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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