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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bitcoin-cli. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


bitcoin-cli is a command-line tool that allows users to interact with a running Bitcoin Core wallet or node. Bitcoin Core is a full-featured Bitcoin client and the reference implementation of the Bitcoin protocol.

With bitcoin-cli, users can issue commands to manage their Bitcoin wallet and interact with the Bitcoin network. It provides a wide range of functionalities such as creating new addresses, managing transactions, checking balances, querying network information, and more.

Using bitcoin-cli, developers and power users can automate various Bitcoin-related tasks or build applications that interact with the Bitcoin network. It provides a convenient interface for scripting and automating repetitive operations.

The tool communicates with a Bitcoin Core instance through JSON-RPC (Remote Procedure Call), allowing users to send commands and receive responses in a structured JSON format. It supports both local and remote connections, enabling users to interact with a Bitcoin node running on the same machine or remotely on a different system.

Overall, bitcoin-cli is a powerful tool for managing and interacting with a Bitcoin Core wallet or node via the command-line interface, providing extensive capabilities for Bitcoin-related tasks and automation.

List of commands for bitcoin-cli:

  • bitcoin-cli:tldr:32cd0 bitcoin-cli: Print high-level information about the wallet.
    $ bitcoin-cli getwalletinfo
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  • bitcoin-cli:tldr:91ace bitcoin-cli: Send a transaction to a given address.
    $ bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress "${address}" ${amount}
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  • bitcoin-cli:tldr:950e6 bitcoin-cli: Export the wallet information to a text file.
    $ bitcoin-cli dumpwallet "${filename}"
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  • bitcoin-cli:tldr:9fc40 bitcoin-cli: Generate one or more blocks.
    $ bitcoin-cli generate ${num_blocks}
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  • bitcoin-cli:tldr:a6342 bitcoin-cli: List all outputs from previous transactions available to fund outgoing transactions.
    $ bitcoin-cli listunspent
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