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blender: Render all frames of an animation in the background, without loading the UI (output is saved to `/tmp`).
$ blender --background ${filename}.blend --render-anim
try on your machine

This command is using the software "Blender" to perform a task in the background mode. Here's a breakdown of the elements:

  • "blender": This is the command that executes the Blender software.
  • "--background": It specifies that Blender should run in a background mode, meaning it won't show the graphical user interface (GUI) while performing the task.
  • "${filename}.blend": The dollar sign ($) is often used to represent a variable in command lines. In this case, it suggests that the filename is a variable that should be replaced with the actual name of the Blender file you want to use. The ".blend" extension indicates that it is a Blender file.
  • "--render-anim": This flag instructs Blender to render an animation based on the provided Blender file.

Overall, when you run this command in a terminal or command prompt, Blender will start in the background, load the specified Blender file, and proceed to render the animation defined in that file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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