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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool blender. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Blender is a powerful open-source 3D creation suite that includes various features for modeling, animation, rendering, video editing, and more. It is a command line tool that enables users to interact with Blender through the terminal or console, allowing for automation and scripting of various tasks.

Using the Blender command line tool, you can perform a wide range of operations, such as rendering images or animations, converting file formats, running scripts, executing specific tasks or commands, and even creating a customized workflow. It provides a convenient way to incorporate Blender into automated pipelines or batch processing tasks, making it suitable for both individual artists and large-scale production studios.

Blender's command line interface (CLI) provides numerous options and parameters that allow for customization and control over the execution of tasks. These options can include specifying the input and output files, choosing rendering settings, defining specific actions or operations, adjusting rendering parameters, and more. Additionally, Blender's CLI allows for the use of Python scripting, enabling users to create complex and automated workflows, manipulate scenes, objects, or materials, and extend Blender's functionality to suit their specific needs.

Overall, the Blender command line tool is a versatile and powerful addition to Blender's feature set, empowering users to automate processes, integrate with other tools or software, and take advantage of the vast capabilities Blender offers for 3D creation and visualization.

List of commands for blender:

  • blender:tldr:00742 blender: Render all frames of an animation in the background, without loading the UI (output is saved to `/tmp`).
    $ blender --background ${filename}.blend --render-anim
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  • blender:tldr:0f021 blender: Render an animation at a specific resolution, by passing a Python expression.
    $ blender --background ${filename}.blend --python-expr '${import bpy; bpy-data-scenes[0]-render-resolution_percentage = 25}' --render-anim
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  • blender:tldr:83492 blender: Start an interactive Blender session in the terminal with a python console (do `import bpy` after starting).
    $ blender --background --python-console
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  • blender:tldr:89720 blender: Render the second last frame in an animation as a JPEG image, saved to an existing directory (relative path).
    $ blender --background ${filename}.blend --render-output //${output_directory} --render-frame ${JPEG} --render-frame ${-2}
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  • blender:tldr:b6b49 blender: Render an animation using a specific image naming pattern, in a path relative (`//`) to the .blend file.
    $ blender --background ${filename}.blend --render-output //${render-frame_###-png} --render-anim
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  • blender:tldr:c3f74 blender: Render the 10th frame of an animation as a single image, saved to an existing directory (absolute path).
    $ blender --background ${filename}.blend --render-output ${-path-to-output_directory} --render-frame ${10}
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  • blender:tldr:f8954 blender: Render the animation of a specific scene, starting at frame 10 and ending at frame 500.
    $ blender --background ${filename}.blend --scene ${scene_name} --frame-start ${10} -e ${500} --render-anim
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