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boxes: Remove a box from a string.
$ echo "${string}" | boxes -r
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This command is piping the contents of the variable string to the boxes command with the -r option.

  • echo "${string}" is an echo command used to display the value of the variable string. The double quotes "${string}" are used to prevent any word splitting or special character interpretation in the value of string.

  • | is a pipe symbol used to redirect the output of the echo command to the input of the boxes command.

  • boxes is a command-line tool used to draw various types of boxes and frames around text. It takes the input from the previous command through the pipe and formats it into a box according to the specified options.

  • -r is an option for the boxes command. It stands for "reverse" and is used to create a box with a reversed (inverted) appearance, where the background becomes the foreground color and vice versa.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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