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boxes: Draw a box with a width of 10 and a height of 5.
$ echo "${string}" | boxes -s ${10}x${5}
try on your machine

The command you provided uses the echo command to display the value of a variable named ${string}. This value is then piped (using the | symbol) as input to the boxes command with some specified options.

Here is a breakdown of each component of the command:

  1. echo: The echo command is used to print the value of the ${string} variable to the terminal.

  2. ${string}: This is a variable placeholder, typically intended to hold a text string. The value of this variable will be displayed by the echo command.

  3. |: The vertical bar (pipe) symbol is used to redirect the output of the echo command (the value of ${string}) as input to the next command in the pipeline (boxes in this case).

  4. boxes: It is a command-line utility that formats text into various shapes or boxes. In this case, it is used to format the value of ${string} in a specific box shape.

  5. -s: This option specifies the size of the box shape that boxes should create. The ${10}x${5} argument provided after -s sets the width and height of the box. The width is set to 10 and the height is set to 5.

Overall, the command takes the value of ${string}, displays it with the echo command, and then formats it into a box shape using the boxes command with a specified size of 10x5.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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