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boxes: Draw a box with centered text.
$ echo "${string}" | boxes -a c
try on your machine

This command is a combination of the echo and boxes commands, which are used to display formatted text on the command line interface.

echo is a command that is used to print some text or variables to the terminal. In this case, "${string}" is the text that will be printed. The ${string} is a placeholder for a variable named "string" which would be defined earlier in the script or command.

The | symbol is known as a "pipe" and it is used to redirect the output of the command on the left to the input of the command on the right. In this case, the output of the echo command will be passed as input to the boxes command.

boxes is a command-line tool that formats text into various decorative boxes. The -a c option is used to specify the type of box to use. In this case, the c argument represents a "center" box style. So, the text passed from the echo command will be formatted and enclosed in a centred box shape.

Overall, this command takes the value of the variable ${string}, prints it using echo, and then formats it into a centered box using the boxes command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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