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brew-bundle: Check if there is anything to install or upgrade in the Brewfile.
$ brew bundle check
try on your machine

The command brew bundle check is used in Homebrew, a popular package manager for macOS, to check the status of packages specified in a Brewfile.

A Brewfile is a plain text file that lists all the packages, applications, and dependencies you want to install using Homebrew. It allows you to document and version-control your desired software setup.

When you run brew bundle check, Homebrew reads the Brewfile and compares the packages listed in it with the currently installed packages on your system. It then checks if all the specified packages are already installed and reports back with their statuses.

The output of brew bundle check includes three possible categories for each package:

  1. Already installed: These are packages that are present on your system and match those specified in the Brewfile. They are up to date and require no further action.
  2. Need to be upgraded: These packages are installed on your system but may not be the latest version. You can run brew upgrade to update these packages.
  3. Not installed: These are packages that are not yet installed on your system. You can run brew bundle install to install them.

By running brew bundle check, you can easily verify the installation status of packages listed in your Brewfile, keeping your software setup in sync and up to date.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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