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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool brew. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Homebrew installs packages to their own directory and then symlinks their files into /opt/homebrew (on Apple Silicon).

List of commands for brew:

  • brew-bundle:tldr:3cec8 brew-bundle: Create a Brewfile from all installed packages.
    $ brew bundle dump
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  • brew-bundle:tldr:697eb brew-bundle: Install packages from a Brewfile at the current path.
    $ brew bundle
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  • brew-bundle:tldr:8df65 brew-bundle: Install packages from a specific Brewfile at a specific path.
    $ brew bundle --file=${filename}
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  • brew-bundle:tldr:ab3f5 brew-bundle: Check if there is anything to install or upgrade in the Brewfile.
    $ brew bundle check
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  • brew-bundle:tldr:f90a3 brew-bundle: Uninstall all formulae not listed in the Brewfile.
    $ brew bundle cleanup --force
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  • brew-bundle:tldr:fd65d brew-bundle: Output a list of all entries in the Brewfile.
    $ brew bundle list --all
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  • brew-cask:tldr:1b678 brew-cask: Upgrade an installed cask (if no cask name is given, all installed casks are upgraded).
    $ brew upgrade --cask ${cask_name}
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  • brew-cask:tldr:4374b brew-cask: Display information about a given cask.
    $ brew info --cask ${cask_name}
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  • brew-cask:tldr:75872 brew-cask: List all installed casks.
    $ brew list --cask
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  • brew-cask:tldr:8a988 brew-cask: Install a cask.
    $ brew install --cask ${cask_name}
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  • brew-cask:tldr:a6063 brew-cask: List installed casks that have newer versions available.
    $ brew outdated --cask
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  • brew-cask:tldr:abac9 brew-cask: Uninstall a cask.
    $ brew uninstall --cask ${cask_name}
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  • brew-cask:tldr:b33ca brew-cask: Uninstall a cask and remove related settings and files.
    $ brew zap --cask ${cask_name}
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  • brew-cask:tldr:e8cd7 brew-cask: Search for formulas and casks.
    $ brew search ${text}
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  • brew:cask:upgrade-all Upgrade all installed Homebrew casks
    $ brew upgrade --cask
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  • brew:tldr:24f89 brew: Upgrade an installed formula or cask (if none is given, all installed formulae/casks are upgraded).
    $ brew upgrade ${formula}
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  • brew:tldr:3ff90 brew: Install the latest stable version of a formula or cask (use `--devel` for development versions).
    $ brew install ${formula}
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  • brew:tldr:5aa00 brew: Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and of all formulae and casks from the Homebrew source repository.
    $ brew update
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  • brew:tldr:60ef3 brew: Display information about a formula or a cask (version, installation path, dependencies, etc.).
    $ brew info ${formula}
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  • brew:tldr:6390d brew: Show formulae and casks that have a more recent version available.
    $ brew outdated
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  • brew:tldr:c7320 brew: Check the local Homebrew installation for potential problems.
    $ brew doctor
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  • brew:tldr:cc86c brew: List all installed formulae and casks.
    $ brew list
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  • brew:warp:206e9a638bbd7c56c7d69c72089449ce Pin a formula to its current version
    $ brew pin ${formula_name}
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  • brew:warp:75dd456a95870feb65a52e33f8a3ddf6 Reinstall a Homebrew formula
    $ brew reinstall ${formula_name}
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  • brew:warp:95e033d284e044b48436f1a1a27b6797 Install a specific version of a Homebrew formula
    $ brew install ${formula_name}@${version_name}
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  • brew:warp:ba5b6e194aa91f8fdd5dbcd4c6276c77 Tap a Homebrew formula repository from GitHub
    $ brew tap ${formula_repository}
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  • brew:warp:bc3595355b69be16a31a9015afd42410 Reinstall all installed Homebrew formulae/casks
    $ brew list -1 | xargs brew reinstall
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  • brew:warp:c14f18e68b8b496af9f5291c404e8f17 Install all dependencies from Brewfile
    $ brew bundle install
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  • brew:warp:e04ce541bd9b2161b77885772f3771e3 Uninstall a Homebrew package and all of its dependencies
    $ brew tap beeftornado/rmtree
    $ brew rmtree ${package_name}
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  • brew:warp:efa5f36f9d94e00a1fff3f81f9b1aecd Unpin a homebrew formula
    $ brew unpin ${formula_name}
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  • hetzner:cloud:client:install Install the Hetzner cloud CLI client
    $ brew install hcloud
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tool overview