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brew-bundle: Uninstall all formulae not listed in the Brewfile.
$ brew bundle cleanup --force
try on your machine

The brew bundle cleanup --force command is used with the Homebrew package manager on macOS. Here's an explanation of each component of the command:

  • brew refers to the Homebrew package manager, which is used to install, update, and manage software packages on macOS.
  • bundle is a command within Homebrew that manages packages specified in a "Brewfile". A Brewfile is a text file that lists the packages and applications you want to install using Homebrew.
  • cleanup is the subcommand used to remove any installed packages that are no longer needed or are outdated.
  • --force is an option used with the cleanup subcommand to forcefully remove all the unnecessary packages without prompting for confirmation.

Together, the brew bundle cleanup --force command is used to remove unnecessary packages listed in the Brewfile without asking for confirmation. This can be useful if you want to clean up your system by removing packages that are no longer required. However, use the --force option with caution, as it removes packages without confirmation and may lead to unintended consequences if you remove something important.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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