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brew-cask: Uninstall a cask and remove related settings and files.
$ brew zap --cask ${cask_name}
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The command "brew zap --cask ${cask_name}" is used in the Homebrew package manager for macOS to uninstall a Cask package.

Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • "brew" refers to the Homebrew command-line interface (CLI). Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that allows you to easily install, manage, and uninstall software packages on your system.

  • "zap" is a Homebrew command used to uninstall a package and remove all associated files, configurations, and dependencies.

  • "--cask" is an optional flag used to specify that the package being uninstalled is a Cask package. Cask is an extension of Homebrew that focuses on managing macOS applications and graphical user interface (GUI) applications.

  • "${cask_name}" is a placeholder variable that represents the name of the specific Cask package you want to uninstall. You should replace "${cask_name}" with the actual name of the Cask package you want to uninstall when executing the command.

So, when you run the command "brew zap --cask ${cask_name}", Homebrew will uninstall the specified Cask package and remove all associated files and dependencies from your macOS system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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