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brew: Display information about a formula or a cask (version, installation path, dependencies, etc.).
$ brew info ${formula}
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In the command brew info ${formula}, brew refers to the Homebrew package manager, which is used primarily on macOS systems. The info command is used to display information about a specific formula or package.

${formula} is a placeholder for the actual formula or package name. You need to replace ${formula} with the name of the formula or package you want to get information about.

By executing this command, Homebrew will provide detailed information about the specified formula or package. This information typically includes the version of the formula, its description, dependencies, the URL where it can be found, and any additional options or caveats related to installation or usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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