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Tap a Homebrew formula repository from GitHub
$ brew tap ${formula_repository}
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The brew tap command is used in Homebrew, a package manager for macOS, to add or tap a new repository or collection of formulas. A formula is a package definition in Homebrew.

In the command brew tap ${formula_repository}, you are expected to replace ${formula_repository} with the actual name or location of the repository you want to tap. This repository is usually hosted on GitHub or a similar service.

When you tap a repository, you are essentially telling Homebrew to add the repository as a source from which it can pull formulas. Once tapped, Homebrew will be able to search for and install packages from this repository, just like it would with its built-in core repository.

Tapping a repository is typically done to access a wider range of packages or to utilize specific formulas that are not available in the core Homebrew repository. It allows you to extend the capabilities of Homebrew by accessing additional packages maintained by the community.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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