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Install all dependencies from Brewfile
$ brew bundle install
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The command "brew bundle install" is a command used in macOS systems with Homebrew installed.

To understand this command, we need to break it down into three parts:

  1. "brew": It refers to Homebrew, a popular package manager for macOS. Homebrew allows users to easily install, manage, and update packages (software) on their systems.

  2. "bundle": It is a command within Homebrew that allows users to manage a list of packages specified in a "Brewfile". A Brewfile is a text file that contains a list of packages to be installed.

  3. "install": It is an argument that tells Homebrew to install the packages mentioned in the Brewfile.

So, when the command "brew bundle install" is executed, Homebrew reads the Brewfile (if present in the current directory) and installs all the packages specified in it.

This command is helpful in automating the installation process for a list of packages, making it easier to set up and configure software environments on macOS systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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