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brotli: Specify the compression level [1=Fastest (Worst), 11=Slowest (Best)].
$ brotli -q ${11} ${filename} -o ${path-to-compressed_output_file-br}
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The command you provided is using the "brotli" compression tool to compress a file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • brotli: This is the command to execute the brotli compression tool.

  • -q: This flag is used to specify the compression quality. In this case, ${11} is being used to pass a variable (presumably a value between 0 and 11) as the compression level.

  • ${11}: This is a placeholder for a variable representing the compression level. The actual value of the variable should be provided when executing the command.

  • ${filename}: This is a placeholder for the name of the file to be compressed. The actual filename should be provided when executing the command.

  • -o: This flag is used to specify the output file.

  • ${path-to-compressed_output_file-br}: This is a placeholder for the path and filename of the compressed output file. The actual path and filename should be provided when executing the command.

Overall, this command compresses a file using brotli compression with a specified compression level and outputs the compressed file to a defined location.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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