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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool brotli. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Brotli is a command line tool and a compression algorithm developed by Google. It is designed to provide high compression ratio for web content, making web pages load faster. Brotli offers significantly better compression compared to other compression algorithms like Gzip or Deflate.

The tool is often used in web servers to compress files before sending them to the client's browser. Brotli achieves higher compression ratio by using a more advanced and sophisticated algorithm, which takes advantage of modern compression techniques such as context modeling, Huffman coding, and dictionary-based compression.

Brotli can compress both static and dynamic content, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, and other text-based files. When the server sends the Brotli-compressed files to the client's browser, it is then decompressed in the browser before rendering, resulting in faster load times.

The command line tool allows you to compress and decompress files using the Brotli algorithm. It provides various options and settings to customize the compression process, such as compression level, window size, and multiple file handling. The tool is available for different operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Overall, Brotli is an efficient and widely used compression tool that improves web performance by reducing the size of web content, resulting in faster load times and enhanced user experience.

List of commands for brotli:

  • brotli:tldr:06e80 brotli: Specify the compression level [1=Fastest (Worst), 11=Slowest (Best)].
    $ brotli -q ${11} ${filename} -o ${path-to-compressed_output_file-br}
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  • brotli:tldr:79dfd brotli: Decompress a file, creating an uncompressed version next to the file.
    $ brotli -d ${filename-br}
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  • brotli:tldr:82283 brotli: Compress a file, creating a compressed version next to the file.
    $ brotli ${filename}
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  • brotli:tldr:982c6 brotli: Decompress a Brotli file specifying the output filename.
    $ brotli -d ${path-to-compressed_file-br} -o ${path-to-output_file}
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  • brotli:tldr:c9811 brotli: Compress a file specifying the output filename.
    $ brotli ${filename} -o ${path-to-compressed_output_file-br}
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