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List of commands for bspc:

  • bspc:tldr:24d3e bspc: Send the selected node to the given desktop.
    $ bspc node --to-desktop ${number}
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  • bspc:tldr:2c6c4 bspc: Focus the given desktop.
    $ bspc desktop --focus ${number}
    try on your machine
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  • bspc:tldr:8bdce bspc: Close the windows rooted at the selected node.
    $ bspc node --close
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  • bspc:tldr:bc305 bspc: Toggle full screen mode for the selected node.
    $ bspc node --state ~fullscreen
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  • bspc:tldr:f79df bspc: Define two virtual desktop.
    $ bspc monitor --reset-desktops ${1} ${2}
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