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btm: Show also battery charge and health status.
$ btm --battery
try on your machine

The command "btm --battery" is usually used in the context of the btm (Better Terminal-Multiplexer) command-line tool.

When executed, this command shows the battery status of the computer or device on which it is run. It provides information such as the battery percentage remaining, charging status, and estimated time until full discharge or full charge.

The output of this command typically includes details like battery level (percentage), remaining runtime, AC (Alternate Current) adapter status, charging status, battery health, and sometimes additional information like temperature.

Overall, it allows users to monitor the battery status of their device directly from the terminal, which can be useful for laptop users or anyone interested in keeping track of their battery life.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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