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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool btm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


BTM is a command line tool used for executing batch scripts, similar to the scripting capabilities provided by the Windows Command Prompt. It stands for "Batch to Make," indicating its purpose of executing batch commands or scripts.

Some of the key features of BTM include:

  1. Compatibility: BTM supports running batch scripts written for various batch scripting languages like CMD, NT, OS/2, and 4OS2.

  2. Enhanced Scripting: It extends the capabilities of traditional batch scripting by providing additional features like variables, conditional statements, loops, and more, making it more powerful and versatile.

  3. Portable: BTM is designed to be a portable tool, meaning it can be run on multiple operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS, providing cross-platform compatibility for batch scripting.

  4. Interactive Shell: It offers an interactive shell environment where users can directly enter commands and execute them without the need for writing an entire script file.

  5. Extensibility: Users can extend BTM's functionalities by creating their own functions and plug-ins, allowing for even more complex batch scripting tasks.

  6. Debugging and Error Handling: BTM provides various debugging features and comprehensive error handling mechanisms, making it easier to troubleshoot and fix issues within batch scripts.

Overall, BTM is a powerful and flexible command line tool that enhances traditional batch scripting and allows for the efficient execution of batch scripts on various operating systems.

List of commands for btm:

  • btm:tldr:039f9 btm: Show also battery charge and health status.
    $ btm --battery
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • btm:tldr:0822b btm: Show the default layout (CPU, memory, temperatures, disk, network, and processes).
    $ btm
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • btm:tldr:10bf5 btm: Enable basic mode, removing charts and condensing data (similar to `top`).
    $ btm --basic
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • btm:tldr:21fe6 btm: Refresh every 250 milliseconds and show the last 30 seconds in the charts.
    $ btm --rate 250 --default_time_value 30000
    try on your machine
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  • btm:tldr:f9960 btm: Use big dots instead of small ones in charts.
    $ btm --dot_marker
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview