bully: Crack the password.
$ bully --bssid "${mac}" --channel "${channel}" --bruteforce "${interface}"
try on your machine
This command is using the tool "bully" to launch a brute force attack against a wireless network. Here is a breakdown of the command:
: This is the name of the command-line utility being invoked.--bssid "${mac}"
: This option specifies the target network's MAC address (BSSID) for the brute force attack. Themac
variable is expected to hold the specific MAC address being targeted.--channel "${channel}"
: This option specifies the channel on which the target network is operating. Thechannel
variable is expected to hold the specific channel.--bruteforce "${interface}"
: This option specifies the network interface to use for the attack. Theinterface
variable is expected to hold the specific network interface.
In summary, this command instructs the "bully" tool to attempt a brute force attack on a specific wireless network identified by its MAC address and operating on a specific channel. The attack will be carried out using the specified network interface.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.