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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bully. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Bully is a command line tool that is designed to brute force login credentials, particularly for wireless networks. It is primarily used for testing the security of WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) implementations.

The tool takes advantage of WPS vulnerabilities and attempts to crack the PIN (Personal Identification Number) used to authenticate devices with the wireless network. This makes it possible to gain unauthorized access to the network.

Bully uses a combination of social engineering and brute forcing techniques to guess the PIN in a process known as a "brute force attack." It systematically tries all possible PIN combinations until it finds the correct one.

Despite being a potentially powerful tool for penetration testing, it can also be used maliciously by hackers to compromise wireless networks. For this reason, its usage is highly regulated and typically limited to authorized network security professionals.

Bully offers various options and modes to customize the attack, such as specifying the interface, timeout, and various attack methods. It can also target specific access points based on their MAC addresses.

To ensure it remains undetected during an attack, Bully uses techniques like MAC address spoofing to appear as a legitimate device on the network. It can also employ deauthentication attacks to disconnect devices from the network temporarily.

While Bully is capable of cracking vulnerable WPS implementations, it is important to note that many modern routers and devices have implemented safeguards against such attacks. It has become less effective over time due to increased security measures.

The use of Bully without proper permission or legal authorization can be illegal and is considered a violation of ethical hacking principles. It is crucial to always obtain proper consent before conducting any security testing or penetration testing activities.

As with any tool, it is important to use Bully responsibly and within the bounds of the law. Ethical hacking professionals typically use it to identify and fix vulnerabilities in network security, rather than exploiting them.

List of commands for bully:

tool overview