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busctl: Show interfaces, methods, properties and signals of the specified object on the specified service.
$ busctl introspect ${service} ${path-to-object}
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The command "busctl introspect ${service} ${path-to-object}" is used to introspect a D-Bus service and retrieve information about its objects.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "busctl": This is a command-line tool for interacting with the D-Bus system bus.

  • "introspect": It's an action performed by the busctl tool that allows you to obtain an XML representation of the D-Bus interfaces and objects exposed by a service.

  • "${service}": This parameter represents the name or ID of the D-Bus service you want to introspect. It can be the unique bus name or the well-known name of the service.

  • "${path-to-object}": This parameter specifies the path to the object inside the service that we want to introspect. D-Bus objects are organized in a tree-like structure, and this parameter indicates the location of the specific object we are interested in.

By executing this command, you will receive an XML representation of the interfaces and objects available in the specified service and object path. This information can be crucial for understanding the functionality and properties of the service's objects, and it can aid in further communication and interaction with the service.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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